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One of my most prized possessions is a necklace that a professor gave to me after I advocated for change in my university.  It says activist on it and that’s everything I hope to be.  I want to leave the world a little better for my kids and yours.  To be honest though, I never planned on using my voice for the issues I’m talking about now.  I wanted to campaign for orphan care, women’s issues in developing countries, human trafficking victims and for teen moms here in the states.

I was working towards that goal and I had an amazing job working with parenting high school students before my daughter got sick.  Life had different plans though.  I absolutely loved it there but balancing work with her needs at the time just wasn’t feasible.  Now I am working as an adjunct psychology professor at a community college and managing the circus that I call my family.  I hope that eventually I will work on those issues that first stole my heart but right now I am focused mostly on adoption and epilepsy awareness.

I mostly write here but you can also find me around the web.  I am usually happy to guest post, write for other outlets or speak to groups. Let me know how I can lend you my voice.

Here are a few of the places you can find my work: 

Scary MommyRehoming My Adopted Daughter Was Never An Option on ScaryMommy

The Mighty Contributor

10 Simple Ways People Rocked My Special Needs Parenting World on The Mighty

What I Want You to Know About Waiting on a Miracle on Rage Against the Minivan
Just a note, although this was posted in 2015, I actually wrote it some time before that. This post does not reflect our current church home in the least but it may give some context as to why we left our previous place of worship. This was written when my world was a very dark place.  It may be difficult to read but I won't apologize for writing my truth. 

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